Cultural Capital
At Glenmere Community Primary School we believe in the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a pupil can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work. Cultural capital gives a pupil power. It helps them achieve goals, become successful, and rise up the social ladder without necessarily having wealth or financial capital. Cultural capital is having assets that give pupils the desire to aspire and achieve social mobility whatever their starting
The school recognises that there are six key areas of development that are interrelated and cumulatively contribute to the sum of a child’s cultural capital.
Key area of development |
Coverage for each area of Cultural Capital Development at Glenmere
Personal Development
We provide a broad curriculum that inspires and fosters growth. We provide a strong PSHE and SRE curriculum. We help our children recognize their emotions, by filling in their feelings each day and offering support when needed. We promote values across the school to help our pupils be kind, confident and well-rounded individuals. We teach our children to be able to win, lose, succeed and fail, these are all skills that important in order to improve and reflect. We provide strong pastoral care through a trained ELSA, art therapist and emotional support sessions. We have a focus on vocabulary in all areas to provide pupils with the skills they need to be able to express and discuss their thoughts, knowledge and ideas. We develop of love of reading my making reading a focal point of the curriculum. We strive to enable our pupils to become passionate, curious and confident about their ability to learn another language by the time they finish year 6 We teach our year 6 pupils about roles and responsibilities by giving them roles of sporting ambassadors, Reading buddies, wellbeing buddies and head pupils.
Social Development, including political and current affairs awareness |
We ensure our lessons provide opportunities for collaborative working. We host many parent workshops to support learning at home and strengthen our links with families. Our year 6 children experience an annual residential. We have Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Diwali celebrations. We have a world news assembly every week, using Primary Picture News so that are pupils understand life beyond our school and this helps pupils see the events that affect the world. We have weekly assemblies that include, British Values, school values and awareness days. We promote volunteering and charitable work – eg. raising funds for a variety of charities including Children in Need and Save the Children; singing at Christmas for elderly in a local residential home, donating food items to the elderly at Harvestime, We ensure that our pupils are taught the skills and knowledge; including E-safety, they need to become creative, digitally literate, computational thinkers ready to take their place in a digital world.
Physical Development
We have a strong, robust PE provision for our pupils. We ensure our pupils are physically active, our children do 30 minutes exercise a day and they understand the benefit of being physically fit. We ensure our children have the life skill of swimming by the time they leave, our children participate in two consecutive years of swimming before they leave. We ensure that our children have a secure understanding that we live in a society where both men and women can play mixed sports, they are tolerant of the different faiths and beliefs that contribute to team competitions locally, nationally and internationally. We are a healthy school with healthy eating policies and catering provision. Our pupils are taught the Health Education aspect of the PSHE and SRE programmes, including stands on drugs, smoking and alcohol. The extra-curricular clubs are related to sports and well-being. We celebrate sporting achievements including personal fitness and competitive sport. We provide our pupils with activity based school trips. Our Design and Technology curriculum includes units related to food preparation and nutrition. |
Spiritual Development
The teaching of Religious Education (RE) has been carefully considered to enable our pupils to become confident within all areas of RE. we strive to enable our pupils to develop mutual respect and understanding of/for all cultures and religions. We have collective acts of reflection at the end of each daily assembly. Our pupils, self and peer mark with confidence. We celebrate good attendance. We visit religious buildings and centres to provide our pupils with opportunities to learn about different faiths first hand.
Moral Development |
We have whole school golden rules along with individual class rules. We reward pupils through the class dojo and our school value tokens. Half termly awards celebrate achievement in different areas, including sport, the demonstration of the golden rules, positivity, kindness. Through our values based curriculum we promote strong values throughout the school and reward our pupils using value tokens and a daily trophy in class. Our pupils have basic first aid skills, to help them if they ever had an emergency, again, they have this training for two consecutive years in year 5 and 6. We have a school council, that enables pupils in different years to learn how to make decisions for the best of others. |
Cultural development |
We teach the protected characteristics through stories and assemblies, so that we have pupils that understand how people maybe different but should be treated the same. We develop pupils’ life skills linked to cooking, resilience, human rights as these will help children navigate their life beyond school. We teach our pupils to be able to reflect on different styles of dance, influenced by different cultures. We celebrate Inter-Faith day across the school with a range of activities and experiences We offer a wide range of enrichment, to expose the children to places and people before they leave year 6.
Below provides further detail about how 'Cultural Capital' is embedded at Glenmere:
PE, British Values and Cultural Capital
School Sport and Physical Activity, PE and Cultural Capital at Glenmere
Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Education Through PE Sport and Physical Activity at Glenmere