PSA information

Friends of Glenmere Parent Staff Assocation (FOGPSA) are a group of parents and staff who meet on a regular basis (usually once a month) to primarily discuss and plan fundraising events for our school.

Our aim is to support the school in whatever way we can, this includes raising much needed funds, but at the same time we try to make the events that we plan fun and enjoyable for everyone. We also discuss and make plans to contribute more to school life through funding and supporting school improvement projects with our time and skills.

We are always looking for new members and fresh ideas and anyone is more than welcome to join us. You can be as involved as little or as much as you like. From coming along to the meetings and getting involved in the planning or perhaps giving up an hour of your time to help set up for an event or run a stall at the Summer Fayre. Any help is always appreciated.

If you would like to get involved, please speak to Miss Moore in the school office who will point you in our direction.