PE Funding
Physical Education is an important part of our curriculum. It can be the first step towards a healthy lifestyle and an enjoyment of sport, and we aim to ensure that all children have every opportunity to develop their sporting skills in an enjoyable atmosphere and a safe environment.
Physical Education channels the energy, high spirits, and competitiveness of the young in a socially beneficial way. Furthermore, sport can benefit everyone regardless of age and ability. It provides important lessons for life: team spirit, sportsmanship, playing within rules, self-discipline and dedication.
The wide range of activities taught enables each child to develop motor and manipulative skills, co-ordination, control mobility and strength.
Activities taught within the school include the following:
Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Netball, Football, Rounders, Cricket, Short tennis, Cross-country running, Swimming and Outdoor and adventurous activities, e.g. orienteering and climbing on residentials in Year 6. Children have the opportunity to participate in inter-school friendly competitions, leagues and tournaments and school Sports Days.
The school has the use of extensive playing fields and hard playground surfaces that are marked with pitches, courts and tracks appropriate to the season. The large school hall is used for indoor games, gymnastics and dance and has an excellent range of the latest apparatus and equipment.
2023 - 2024 Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium